Advanced Features Configuration Guides

Advance Settings - Overview of System Configuration Settings Options

Creation Date: March 25, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

# Advance Settings - Overview of System Configuration Settings Options
In this overview tutorial, we walk you through the available options to you to be able to customize and configure your Advantage CSP deployment.

These are more powerful advance functions that should only be adjusted if you understand how the features work.
1. Click on Domain Management
Click on  Domain Management
2. Click on Configurations Settings
Click on  Configurations Settings
3. Click on Site
Click on Site
4. Edit your Favicon
Here you can edit your Favicon. Your Favicon is the tiny image in the the top left of your browser tab.
Edit your Favicon
5. Edit your Grid Configuration
Here you can activate or deactivate the available module widths that will be available to all your users in the system. By default Advantage CSP has the most common and user friendly Grid Configuration activated, but if you wish to adjust or make unavailable certain options to control how users design pages you can do so here.
Edit your Grid Configuration
6. Edit your Open Graph Defaults
Here you can set your default Open Graph settings. Open Graph can be access for individual pages under Page Manager and clicking on the Wheel icon that will lead you the Page Settings configuration.

Open Graph settings in Advantage CSP refer to the configuration options related to Open Graph protocol tags. The Open Graph protocol enables web pages to become rich objects in a social graph, allowing them to be shared effectively across social media platforms.

Here's what Open Graph settings can be adjusted.

  1. Title: This is the title of the page as it should appear when shared on social media platforms. It's often separate from the HTML title tag for SEO purposes.
  2. Image: An image associated with the page. This image should be visually appealing and relevant to the content of the page.
  3. Type: Open Graph supports various types of content such as website, article, video, etc. This setting allows specifying the type of content the page represents.
  4. URL: The canonical URL of the page, which is used as the basis for sharing. It's important for ensuring that shared links point to the correct location.
The purpose of configuring Open Graph settings is to ensure that when content from the website is shared on social media platforms, it appears correctly formatted and with the desired title, image, and other relevant information. This can help improve the visibility and engagement of the shared content across social networks.
Edit your Open Graph Defaults
7. Edit your Robots text file
The robots.txt file is a text file gives instructions to web crawlers or robots about which pages or files the crawler can or cannot request from your site. The primary purpose of the robots.txt file is to communicate with web crawlers to control their behavior when accessing your website's content.

Here are some key purposes of the robots.txt file:

  1. Control Search Engine Crawling: By specifying directives in the robots.txt file, website owners can control which parts of their site are crawled by search engine bots. This can help prevent certain pages from being indexed in search engine results.
  2. Prevent Indexing of Sensitive Content: Websites may contain certain sensitive or private content that they don't want to be indexed by search engines. The robots.txt file allows them to block access to these parts of the site from search engine crawlers.
  3. Reduce Server Load: By disallowing access to certain directories or files that are not relevant for indexing, website owners can reduce the server load and bandwidth usage on their servers. This can be particularly useful for large websites with many pages.
  4. Protect Copyrighted Content: Website owners can use the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from indexing content that they don't have the right to distribute, such as copyrighted material.
  5. Direct Crawl Budget: For larger websites, the robots.txt file can be used to direct search engine crawlers to focus on crawling the most important or relevant pages first, thereby optimizing the crawl budget.
Edit your Robots text file
8. Edit your site map settings
Under the Site Map Settings you can determine the prioritization of certain types of content and pages. This helps search engines understand the relative importance of various pages on the site.
Edit your site map settings
9. Edit Site Scripts
Here you can third party scripts or tools. Such as any consumer behaviour tracking scripts such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager or overlay tools like a third-party chatbot or other tools or services.
Edit Site Scripts
10. Edit your Stylesheets
Here you can view, edit, download and upload CSS changes to your stylesheets.
Edit your Stylesheets
11. Click on System
Click on System
12. Edit your Analytics identifiers
Here you will enter your Google Analytics property identifier as well as TrialFire Analytics property settings.
Edit your Analytics identifiers
13. Edit your API Entries
Edit your API Entries
14. Edit your Assets
Here you can edit the allowable image formats you allow users to upload to your site. Additionally, you can also control the max file upload size here.
Edit your Assets
15. Edit Editor settings
Here you define how your WYSIWYG operates. You can changes things like the appearance of your WYSIWYG editor (ie. having a Ribbon tool menu or grouping the buttons together). You can add your code Snippets here, edit your classes and tools.
Edit Editor settings
16. View Error Logging
Here you can determine whether you want to log errors to the database or log 404 errors. This is a helpful feature to track and monitor errors, it will fractionally affect website performance.
View Error Logging
17. Error Pages
Here you can define your types of error pages (ie. 404, 403 etc) and edit the content that is displayed for users.
Error Pages
18. Edit Headers, Meta Tags & Content Security Policy
Edit Headers, Meta Tags & Content Security Policy
19. Edit Image Configuration
Advantage CSP has the ability to generate image derivatives automatically within the CMS. Here you can control the Image BreakPoints as well as adding defauly Image Sizes for creating Image Derivatives.
Edit Image Configuration
20. Edit Search Configuration Settings
This is where you will adjust your search console settings; create, edit manage content categories; manage location and security categories as well as defining Http Headers, Cookie settings, external domains to allow for direct scrapping and LogFiles.
Edit Search Configuration Settings
21. Edit SMTP Settings
This is where you will manage your SMTP settings to allow for forms and messages to be sent that require email notification from the system.
Edit SMTP Settings
22. Edit URL Rewrites
Here you can define how URL rewrites are conducted
Edit URL Rewrites
23. Click on Social
Click on Social
24. Activate / Edit Disqus Settings
if you choose to enable comments on your site, we recommend using Disqus which is a third-party tool to help you manage content moderation, this is where you would configure your Disqus account with Advantage CSP.
Activate / Edit Disqus Settings
25. Edit Social Links
Links to your social media maybe included on your site, to update those links you do them here.
Edit Social Links
26. Activate / Edit Social Shares Settings
Advantage CSP is integrated with a Social Share button that allows your users to share you content beyond the common social networks such as Facebook and X.
Activate / Edit Social Shares Settings
27. Click on Admin
This is where you can edit your Admin interface Javascript Files and Style Sheets
Click on Admin
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