Create a Quiz in Advantage CSP LMS

Create a Quiz in Advantage CSP LMS

In this tutorial we walk you through how to create a quiz to attach to a Course with Advantage CSP's Learning Management System (LMS).


Before creating a course with the LMS tool in your instance of Advantage CSP you will need to create and add the quizzes so that they are available to you when creating a course.

Creation Date: April 1, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on LMS
Click on  LMS
2. Click on Quiz
Click on  Quiz
3. Click on Add
Click on Add
4. Click on Quiz
Click on Quiz
5. Enter Quiz Name
Enter Quiz Name
6. Add a Description
Add a Description
7. Determine Question Order - drop down menu choose either Fixed Order or Random Order.
Determine Question Order - drop down menu choose either Fixed Order or Random Order.
8. Click on Question Groups - this section is optional if you want to group questions. The option for Question Order appears again and this time you can choose Inherit from Quiz (meaning the setting you selected in the Quiz tab) or Fixed Order or Random Order.
Click on Question Groups - this section is optional if you want to group questions. The option for Question Order appears again and this time you can choose Inherit from Quiz (meaning the setting you selected in the Quiz tab) or Fixed Order or Random Order.
9. Click on Add
Click on Add
10. Name Your Section for the Group of Questions
Name Your Section for the Group of Questions
11. Determine Question Order
Determine Question Order
12. Select Number of Questions you wish to ask from this Group of Questions
Select Number of Questions you wish to ask from this Group of Questions
13. Determine how you want to weight these questions
Determine how you want to weight these questions
14. Check/Uncheck IsActive
Check/Uncheck IsActive
15. Click on Questions
Click on Questions
16. Click on Question Manager
Click on Question Manager
17. Drag highlighted element and click on the edit pencil to edit your question.

To set the details of the Question click on the pencil icon to edit. In this example the question type is a Check List and you will fill in the Display Name and Max Score Value. Then in the Question content area you will type the question, if any images are required they can be added with the Insert tab.

Drag highlighted element and click on the edit pencil to edit your question.
18. Editing a Question
Editing a Question
19. Add a Question

Then click Add new record to create the options that will display for the potential answers. Give each a Display Name, Value and then click the check box on the option that is the correct answer. Click Update and Publish when complete to save your question and add it to the quiz.

Add a Question
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