Managing Page Level SEO Settings

Managing Page Level SEO Settings

Here you will be able to edit Page Settings such as Page Title, Description, Keywords and creating a friendly URL.

Creation Date: March 25, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on Properties
Click on Properties
2. Click on Properties

Here you can edit Page Name, SEO Meta data such as Title, Description and Keywords.

Click on Properties
3. Click on Page Link

Here you can create 'Friendly URLs' - separate words with dashes (-) instead of spaces or symbols. Make sure to remove apostrophes and any special characters.

Click on Page Link
4. Click on Title

Edit the SEO Page Title

Click on Title
5. Click on Description

Edit the SEO Page Description

Click on Description
6. Click on Keywords

Edit the SEO Page Keywords

Click on Keywords
7. Click on Menu Options

Here you'll be able to control advance menu items such being able to hide the menu item on small screens and mega menu functions.

Click on Menu Options
8. Click on Search Categorization
Click on Search Categorization
9. Click on Open Graph

Open Graph is where you customize how this page is shown on social media when shared. You can control the Title, Image and Description - Giving full control over your brand and how it is seen on social media when your link is shared.

Click on Open Graph
10. Click on Custom

Any custom features built for your website will be located here.

Click on Custom
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