Tool Walkthrough: Managing Structured Content in Advantage CSP


Structured Content (Tool)


Content that follows a specific, repeatable format that is stored and available throughout the project (i.e. Blog, News, Events, etc.)

Structured content consists of:

  • A Class that inherits from  BusinessObject<T> to provide the data structure.
  • A user-control that inherits from ToolGridList<T> to provide the list interface for managing entries.
  • A user-control that inherits from ToolControl<T> to provide the interface for managing data entry.

Once created the Control must be registered: System Administrator -> Data Sections -> Tools, and then provide permissions to the applicable roles.


Data can be accessed via the AdvantageModuleEngine that is available in the following components 

  • AdvantagePageTemplate
  • AdvantageModule
  • AdvantageModuleRewrite

There are many ways to access the data.  Please review the Methods of AdvantageModuleEngine.


Data Entity (BusinessObject)

BusinessObject<T> : BusinessObjectBase

Methods & Properties


A BusinessObject is a container that holds the data entity you are creating. There is no need to interact with the database. All CRUD and versioning happens automatically when you inherit from BusinessObject<self>

Any public property with a GET/SET will automatically be saved.

Excluding a public property is possible if you decorate the property with [XMLIgnore].

Override methods (Mandatory)

SetSummaryDataRow -> Used to create the data expression that will be used to fill the list tool for managing the data add/edit screen.

Override methods (optional)

SetSearchableProperties -> used to allow data to be indexed for performance benefits during searching and display.


  • Creating fields are done using properties.
  • Specifying List fields for the tool control is done inside the SetSummaryDataRow method using AddSummaryDataRow(title, data)



BlogArticle BusinessObject

namespace AdvantageClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for BlogArticle
    /// </summary>
    public class BlogArticle : BusinessObject<BlogArticle>
        //Blogs are limited to the current domain only!
        public override bool RestrictToCurrentDomain { get { return true; } }

        //Title of article
        public string Title { get; set; }

        //Image of article
        private AdvantageImage _image = null;
        public AdvantageImage Image
                if (_image == null)
                    this._image = new AdvantageImage();

                    this._image.AddImageElement(new AdvantageImageElement() { ImageName = "Mobile",  });
                    this._image.AddImageElement(new AdvantageImageElement() { ImageName = "Desktop", BreakPointName = "Small"});
                    this._image.DefaultElementName = "Mobile";
                return _image;
            set { _image = value; }

        //Date of article
        private DateTime? _postedDate = null;
        public DateTime PostedDate
                if (_postedDate==null) _postedDate=DateTime.Now;
                return (DateTime) _postedDate;
            set { _postedDate = value; }

        //Summary of article
        public string Summary { get; set; }
        //Content of article
        public string Content { get; set; }

        //Author of article
        public string Author { get; set; }

        //Is it a featured article
        public bool IsFeatured { get; set; }

        //Tags of article
        public List<string> Tags { get; set; }

        //Categories of article
        public List<Guid> Categories { get; set; }

        //Defines the columns and data to be displayed in the lister.
        // (Title,Date)
        protected override void SetSummaryDataRow()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) Title = "";
            if (Title.Length > 50)
                AddSummaryDataRow("Title", Title.PadRight(50).Substring(0, 50) + "...");
                AddSummaryDataRow("Title", Title);
            AddSummaryDataRow("Date", PostedDate);

        //Defines indexed lookup values that can be used when retrieving lists
        //when using AdvantageModuleEngine.
        protected override void SetSearchableProperties()
            if (Tags != null) foreach (string tag in Tags) AddSearchableProperty("Tag", tag);
            if (Categories != null && Categories.Count > 0)
                //create an entry for each category so it can be retrieved by the AdvantageModuleEngine
                foreach (Guid category in Categories)
                    AddSearchableProperty("Category", category);
            AddSearchableProperty("PostedDate", PostedDate);

        //Optional  PostPublish is called after the object is published.
        public override bool PostPublish(ActionArgs e, out eCMSEngineEventStatus status, out string message)

            //This example stores the list of blog articles in cache on the front-end expression.
            //Once an article is published, the cache should be invalidated.
            AdvantageCMS.Core.Utils.Cache.AdvantageCacheManager cache = new AdvantageCacheManager(eAdvantageCacheContainerType.WebServer, e.AdminDomainId, e.AdminLanguageId, e.CurrentSql);
                cache.Invalidate(new string[] { "Blog" });

            //This example also logs each article view in a separate object.
            //Create an initial log object if it does not exist.
            using (AdvantageModuleEngine me = new AdvantageModuleEngine(e.CurrentSql, e.AdminDomainId, e.AdminLanguageId))
                List<BlogLog> bls = me.GetPublishedObjectsBykey<BlogLog>("ArticleID", eComparison.Equals, this.MasterID);
                if ((bls == null) || (bls.Count == 0))
                    BlogLog bl; bl = new BlogLog();
                    bl.ArticleID = this.MasterID;
                    bl.Views = 0;
                    ToolHelperResult success = me.BusinessHelper.PublishObject<BlogLog>(e, bl);

            return base.PostPublish(e, out status, out message);


Supporting classes/objects for example

BlogLog BusinessObject

namespace AdvantageClient
    public class BlogLog : BusinessObject<BlogLog>
        public Guid ArticleID { get; set; }

        public int Views { get; set; }

        protected override void SetSummaryDataRow()
        { AddSummaryDataRow("Display", ArticleID); }

        protected override void SetSearchableProperties()
        { AddSearchableProperty("ArticleID", ArticleID); }

        public override bool Validate(eCMSActions action, ActionArgs e, out eCMSEngineEventStatus status, out string message)
            status = eCMSEngineEventStatus.Success;
            message = string.Empty;

            if (action == eCMSActions.Publish && ArticleID == Guid.Empty)
                message += "Article Id cannot be blank.<br/>";
                status = eCMSEngineEventStatus.Warning;
            return status == eCMSEngineEventStatus.Success;




Tool List Control

ToolGridList<T>:ToolListBase (usercontrol)

Properties & Methods


A user-control that allows a developer to create a list of all the structured content of BusinessObject<T> to be managed in the admin interface.



Adding the control and registering it with the associated BusinessObject allows for management of the entry records. 

  • Define the GridList Control to bind.
  • Defined the fields to display based on the SetSummaryDataRow method defined in the BusinessObject<T>
  • Override the GetDataSource() method to customize display entries.



<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="BlogArticleList.ascx.cs" Inherits="AdvantageClient.ClientAdmin_BlogArticleList" %>

<!-- This is the control that will be used to display the list of blog articles -->
<advantage:AdvantageToolList runat="server" ID="StandardAdvantageToolListControl1" />


namespace AdvantageClient

    public partial class ClientAdmin_BlogArticleList : ToolGridList<BlogArticle>
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            grdToolList = StandardAdvantageToolListControl1.Grid;

        public override void DefineGridColumns()
            DefineColumn("Title", "Title", eDataType.String, true, true, true);
            DefineColumn("Date", "Date", eDataType.Date, true, true, true);
            DefineColumn("My Custom Field", "MyField", eDataType.String, true, true, true);

        //Simple example showing how you can intercept the display and add a custom field
        public override DataTable GetDataSource()
            var dt = base.GetDataSource();
            dt.Columns.Add("MyField", typeof(string));
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                row["MyField"] = row["Title"]+"-"+row["Date"].ToString();
            return dt;





Tool Control

ToolControl<T>:ToolListBase (usercontrol)

Properties & Methods


A user-control that binds the GFUI interface to the BusinessObject<T>. 

Developers use the following methods:

  • protected override void LoadDataFromObject(ActionArgs e) -> Allows for loading data from the BusinessObject<T> to the GUI
  • protected override void SaveDataToObject() -> Allows for saving from the GUI to the BusinessObject<T>


Blog article with categories and tags


<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="BlogArticle.ascx.cs" Inherits="AdvantageClient.ClientAdmin_BlogArticle" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Advantage" Namespace="AdvantageCMS.Web.UI" Assembly="AdvantageCMS.Web.UI" %>

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phTop">
        input[type="text"].four-row {
            height: 200px !important;

<!-- Tab strip UI -->
<telerik:RadTabStrip runat="server" ID="tabConfig" SelectedIndex="0" AutoPostBack="false" MultiPageID="multiPage1">
        <telerik:RadTab Text="Properties" Selected="true" PageViewID="pvProperties"></telerik:RadTab>
        <telerik:RadTab Text="Taxonomy" PageViewID="pvTaxonomy"></telerik:RadTab>
        <telerik:RadTab Text="Content" PageViewID="pvContent"></telerik:RadTab>
<telerik:RadMultiPage ID="multiPage1" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0">
    <!--Article Properties-->
    <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="pvProperties">

            <legend>Article Information</legend>

            <div class="form-row">
                <telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txtTitle"></telerik:RadTextBox>
            <div class="form-row">
                <label>SEO Name</label>
                <telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txtSEO"></telerik:RadTextBox>
            <div class="form-row">
                <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="dtDate" runat="server"></telerik:RadDatePicker>

            <div class="form-row">
                <telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txtSummary" Rows="4" CssClass="four-row" TextMode="Multiline" MaxLength="500"></telerik:RadTextBox>

            <div class="form-row">
                <label>Published By</label>
                <telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txtPublishedBy"></telerik:RadTextBox>
            <div class="form-row">
                <label>Is Featured</label>
                <asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkFeaturedPage" />
            <div class="form-row">
                <label>Article Image</label>
                <advantage:AdvantageSelectorImage runat="server" ID="imgArticle" />
    <!--Taxonomy (Categories, Tags)-->
    <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="pvTaxonomy">
            <div class="form-row">
                <asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" RepeatColumns="4" ID="chkLstCategories" />

            <div class="form-row">
                <telerik:RadAutoCompleteBox RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="txtTagList" AllowCustomEntry="True" Filter="Contains" InputType="Token" EnableClientFiltering="True" AutoPostBack="false" Width="72%">
                    <TokensSettings AllowTokenEditing="False" />

    <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="pvContent">
        <advantage:AdvantageEditor ID="editorContent" runat="server" Title="Content"></advantage:AdvantageEditor>

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phBottom"></asp:PlaceHolder>



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Admin.BaseClasses;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Admin.Event;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Common;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.Engine;
using AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.Extension;
using Telerik.Web.UI;

namespace AdvantageClient

    public partial class ClientAdmin_BlogArticle : ToolControl<BlogArticle>
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            //Register the script to top of page
            //Register the script to bottom of page

            //Load the categories to checklist control
            if (chkLstCategories.Items.Count == 0)
                chkLstCategories.DataSource = ModuleEngine.GetAllPublishedObjects<BlogCategory>().OrderBy(cat => cat.Name);
                chkLstCategories.DataTextField = "Name";
                chkLstCategories.DataValueField = "MasterID";


        //Save data to object (called when save/publish button is clicked)
        protected override void SaveDataToObject()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSEO.Text)) txtSEO.Text = txtTitle.Text;
            MyObject.SEOName = txtSEO.Text.UrlFriendly();
            MyObject.Title = txtTitle.Text;
            MyObject.Image = imgArticle.GetAdvantageImage();
            MyObject.PostedDate = (dtDate?.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Now);
            MyObject.Content = editorContent.Content;
            MyObject.Summary = txtSummary.Text;
            MyObject.Author = txtPublishedBy.Text;
            MyObject.IsFeatured = chkFeaturedPage.Checked;
            List<Guid> categories = new List<Guid>();
            foreach (var item in chkLstCategories.GetCheckedItems())

            MyObject.Categories = categories;
            List<string> tags = new List<string>();
            foreach (AutoCompleteBoxEntry entry in txtTagList.Entries)

            MyObject.Tags = tags;

            MyObject.Content = editorContent.Content;

        //Load data from object (called when add/edit button is clicked)
        protected override void LoadDataFromObject(ActionArgs e)
            txtTitle.Text = MyObject.Title;
            editorContent.Content = MyObject.Content;
            txtSummary.Text = MyObject.Summary;
            txtPublishedBy.Text = MyObject.Author;
            txtSEO.Text = MyObject.SEOName;

            if (MyObject.Categories != null)

            chkFeaturedPage.Checked = MyObject.IsFeatured;
            dtDate.SelectedDate = MyObject.PostedDate;
            tabConfig.SelectedIndex = 0;

        //Get all tags and load to autocompletebox
        private void LoadTags(List<string> tagList)
            List<string> tags = ModuleEngine.GetPublishedKeyValueObjects<BlogArticle, string>("Tag");
            if (tagList != null)
                foreach (string s in tagList)
                    AutoCompleteBoxEntry e = new AutoCompleteBoxEntry(s, s);
            txtTagList.DataSource = tags.Distinct();


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