Reports Management

Course Report

Course Report

The Course Report will give you information in two different ways. One it will give a listing of all your courses offered and tell you the number of users who are Incomplete(they have started the course but not finished) and Complete(they have finished all the modules for a course and any quizzes or tests associated with it).

Second the Course Report will also provide more detail on individual courses. When you select a course name from the list you will be able to apply filters for information on users such as, Registered and Purchased the Course, Completed, Passed, Failed, and Not Completed. Please see below for steps on how to run these reports.

Creation Date: April 1, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on Reports
Click on  Reports
2. Click on Course Report
Click on  Course Report
3. Course Report

First the report runs on all your courses by simply clicking on Course Report from the navigation menu as you have just done. You can export the report by clicking on the CSV or Excel buttons at the top left corner of the table. The file will be in your downloads and the exported data will display the four columns of Course ID, Course Name, Incomplete and Complete. If viewing the report there in the LMS use the Search bar to search for a particular course or use the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom right of the table on your screen.

Course Report
4. Second Method

The second way you can run Course Report is if you need to run a report on an individual course. Type the name in the Search bar at the top right or you can page through the list of your courses by clicking the on the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom right of the table that lists the courses, 10 courses will display at a time.


By clicking on the course name it will highlight it and then below the table of courses you will now have other options to run on that particular course. In this example the course named Module 6 was selected and now we see the option to choose a Date Range and a number of Filter By choices. You can now get more granular information on that particular course as to Registered and Purchased the Course, Completed, Passed, Failed, Not Completed.

Second Method
5. Date Range

Here a Date Range was set and the filter Completed was applied, the table at the bottom of the screen was populated with the relevant data for the selected course name and is filtered for only users who have Completed that course. From there you can Search a particular student's name and see at a glance the relevant information in the columns Student Name, Start Date, Last Update, Status, Attempts Used and Passed/Failed.

Date Range
6. Use the CSV or Excel buttons to export the report.
Use the CSV or Excel buttons to export the report.

Login Report

Login Report

Login Report will produce 3 reports, Logins, Recent Logins and No Logins. 

Logins - will show all of the logins for each user and the output of the report will have the columns First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Registered, Last Login, User Agent and IP.

Recent Logins - will show only the most recent login of each registered user.

No Logins - all user accounts that have never been logged into.

In order to run the configured LMS Reports that are available, in the navigation menu go to

Select Login Report.

There are 2 tabs for the different reports, Logins and No Logins.

Creation Date: April 1, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on Reports
Click on  Reports
2. Click on Login Report
Click on  Login Report
3. Click on Logins

In the Logins tab you can enter a Date Range to search for a particular time frame and then click the Search button. The table will show all of the logins for each user and the output of the report will have the columns First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Registered, Last Login, User Agent and IP. You can use the Search bar at the top right of the table to look for a particular user or you can use the CSV or Excel button at the top left to export the report. Alternatively, without a Date Range set you can simply click the Search button to search the entire database and the table will load all login information for all user

Click on Logins
4. Click on Recent Logins

Another type of login report you can generate is Recent Logins, with no Date Range entered you can simply click the Recent Logins button to see only the most recent login of each registered user. Or you can enter a Date Range and choose the Recent Logins button to view a particular time frame for the most recent login of each user.

Click on Recent Logins
5. Click on No Logins

By selecting the No Logins tab it automatically runs the report and displays a table showing you all user accounts that have never been logged into. You can use the CSV or Excel buttons to export the data for this report. Use the Search bar at the top right to enter a name to search by user.

Click on No Logins

Report Export

Report Export

Report Export has two reports that can be run, Users Export and Courses Export. When run they will save to your downloads folder as a CSV file.

Users Export - this report will contain user information on everything gathered from their registration form; name, email, address, phone number, work location and title, and more. It will also have information on the user for courses registered, not started, in progress, submitted and completed.

Courses Export - this report will contain the course name, member first name, member last name, province, purchased dated, course first login date, last login date, certificate expiry date, completed date, expiry date, status, attempts allowed, attempts used, grades, passed and passing grade.

Creation Date: April 1, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on Reports

To run the Report Export reports that are available, in the navigation menu go to Content Manager > Reports.

Click on  Reports
2. Click on Report Export
Click on  Report Export
3. User Exports

To run the Users Export enter a date range in the From and To fields and then click on Users Export. The report will take a few seconds to run and then save to your downloads folder. From your downloads you can open the CSV file and apply filters to easily find the user information contained in the many fields of data this report gathers.

User Exports
4. Courses Export

To run the Courses Export enter a date range in the From and To fields and then click on Courses Export. The report will take a few seconds to run and then save to your downloads folder. From your downloads you can open the CSV file and apply filters to easily find the information contained in the many fields of data this report gathers.

Courses Export

User Course Report

User Course Report

User Course Report - will give you a list of which users are registered in a course, the date they registered, the number of modules for that course and the number of modules they've not completed yet.

Creation Date: April 1, 2024
Created By: Oren Shapiro

1. Click on Reports

To run configured LMS Reports, in the navigation menu go to Content Manager > Reports.

Click on  Reports
2. Click on User Course Report
Click on  User Course Report
3. Select User Course Reports.

Then set the Date Range at the top left and choose the Courses from the drop down menu. You can select one or multiple courses by clicking the check boxes. Click the Search button to run the report. This report will give you a list of which users are registered in a course, the date they registered, the number of modules for that course and the number of modules they've not completed yet.

Select User Course Reports.
4. Export Data

The report will output the data below in the same window and you can choose to Search on the right-hand side to look for a particular user or use the CSV and Excel buttons to download the report, open and view it in Excel.

Export Data
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