AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

AdvantageBaseErrorPage Properties

The AdvantageBaseErrorPage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdvantagePageDescription
Gets or sets the advantage page description.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property AdvantagePageName
Gets or sets the name of the advantage page.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property AnalyticsCode
Gets or sets the analytics code.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property ConfigurationEngine
Gets the configuration engine.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property ContainerControl
Gets the container control.
Public property CSPNonce
Gets the nonce value for Content-Security-Policy
(Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Public property CurrentDomain
Gets the current domain.
Public property CurrentLanguage
Gets the current language.
Public property CurrentNavigationPage
Gets the current navigation page.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property CurrentSitePage
Gets the current site page.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property DatabaseCacheManager
Gets the database cache manager. Which allows for domain/language save storage of items by id
(Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Public property Domain
Gets the domain.
(Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Public property IsMobile
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is mobile.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property IsPreview
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been called by the preview
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property IsRewrite
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is rewrite.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property IsSearchAgent
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been called by the search agent.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property Language
Gets the language.
(Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Public property LanguageAbreviation
Gets the language abreviation.
Public property LanguageID (Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Public property ModuleEngine
Gets the module engine.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected property NavigationEngine (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property PageMetaDescription
Gets or sets the page meta description.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property PageMetaKeywords
Gets or sets the page title.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property RenderMode
Gets the render mode of the current request. This function may allows you the developer to make decisions based on the context of the page. For example: In visual edit or preview mode, you may want to select an object if you are using a rewrite object. If the page is protected, you may want to allow the searchagent access to index the page.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property SitePageID
Gets or sets the site page identifier.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property Title
Gets or sets the title.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public property WebCacheManager
Gets the web cache manager. Which allows for domain/language save storage of items by id
(Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)