AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

AdvantageBaseErrorPage Methods

The AdvantageBaseErrorPage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method CsrfAttackPreventStep1 (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method Dispose
Disposes this instance.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method DomainModule_getModuleByID (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method GetErrorMessage
Gets the error message.
Public method GetNavigations
Multiple Enums can be used. ie. GetNavigations(eNavigationSelector.VisibleInMenu | eNavigationSelector.VisibleInMenu)
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method GetSEOContent (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method IsPreviewActiveCMSUser (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method JavascriptLanguagePages (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method LanguagePages
Languages the pages.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method OnError (Inherited from AdvantageCommonBasePage.)
Protected method OnPreInit (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method OnPreLoad (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method OnPreRender (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method OnPreRenderComplete (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method OnUnload (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method ReceiveEvent
Virtual method that can be overridden to receive messages that are broadcast via the "BroadcastEvent" method
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method Render (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Protected method SaveViewState (Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method SetOpenGraph
Sets the open graph.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method SiteSettings()()()()
Sites the settings.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)
Public method SiteSettings<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()()
Sites the settings.
(Inherited from AdvantagePageTemplate.)