eScriptEditorOption Enumeration
Options for the script editor (based on Ace editor)
AdvantageCMS.Web.UIAssembly: AdvantageCMS.Web.UI (in AdvantageCMS.Web.UI.dll)
Member name | Description | |
selectionStyle | Defines the selection style can be "line" or "text". Default value "line". | |
highlightActiveLine | highlightActiveLine can be set to false to disable highlighting of the currently active line. Default value true. | |
highlightSelectedWord | highlightSelectedWord can be set to false to disable highlighting of the currently active word. Default value false. | |
readOnly | readOnly defines if the editor is read-only. Default value false. | |
cursorStyle | cursorStyle defines the value for the cursor style, either "ace", "slim", "smooth", "wide". Default value "ace". | |
behavioursEnabled | behavioursEnabled true if enable custom behaviours Default value true. | |
wrapBehavioursEnabled | wrapBehavioursEnabled true if enable custom wrap behaviours Default value true. | |
autoScrollEditorIntoView | autoscrollEditorIntoView true if enable auto-scrolling editor into view "true", "false", "undefined" Default value undefined. | |
animatedScroll | animatedScroll true if enable animated scrolling Default value false. | |
displayIndentGuides | displayIndentGuides true if the indent should be shown. See 'showInvisibles' Default value false. | |
showInvisibles | displayIndentGuides true if show the invisible tabs/spaces in indents Default value false. | |
showPrintMargin | showPrintMargin true if show the vertical print margin Default value false. | |
printMarginColumn | printMarginColumn number of columns for vertical print margin Default value undefined. | |
printMargin | printMargin true|false|undefined: showPrintMargin | printMarginColumn Default value undefined. | |
showGutter | showGutter true if show line gutter Default value true. | |
fadeFoldWidgets | fadeFoldWidgets true if the fold lines should be faded Default value false. | |
showFoldWidgets | showFoldWidgets true if the fold lines should be shown Default value true. | |
showLineNumbers | showLineNumbers true if the line numbers should be shown Default value true. | |
highlightGutterLine | highlightGutterLine true if the gutter line should be highlighted Default value false. | |
hScrollBarAlwaysVisible | hScrollBarAlwaysVisible true if the horizontal scroll bar should be shown regardless Default value false. | |
vScrollBarAlwaysVisible | vScrollBarAlwaysVisible true if the vertical scroll bar should be shown regardless Default value false. | |
fontSize | fontSize number | string: set the font size to this many pixels Default value 14. | |
fontFamily | fontFamily string: set the font-family css value Default value undefined. | |
maxLines | maxLines number: set the maximum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes Default value undefined. | |
minLines | minLines number: set the minimum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes Default value undefined. | |
maxPixelHeight | maxPixelHeight number -> maxLines: set the maximum height in pixel, when 'maxLines' is defined. Default value 0. | |
scrollPastEnd | scrollPastEnd number -> !maxLines: if positive, user can scroll pass the last line and go n * editorHeight more distance Default value 0. | |
fixedWidthGutter | fixedWidthGutter true if the gutter should be fixed width Default value false. | |
scrollSpeed | scrollSpeed number: the scroll speed index Default value 2. | |
dragDelay | dragDelay number: the drag delay before drag starts. it's 150ms for mac by default Default value 0. | |
dragEnabled | dragEnabled true if enable dragging Default value true. | |
focusTimout | focusTimout number: the focus delay before focus starts. Default value 0. | |
tooltipFollowsMouse | tooltipFollowsMouse true if the gutter tooltip should follow mouse Default value true. | |
firstLineNumber | firstLineNumber number: the line number in first line Default value 1. | |
overwrite | overwrite true if the overwrite should be activated Default value false. | |
newLineMode | newLineMode "auto" | "unix" | "windows" Default value "auto". | |
useWorker | useWorker true if use web worker for loading scripts Default value true. | |
useSoftTabs | useSoftTabs true if we want to use spaces than tabs Default value true. | |
tabSize | tabSize number: the number of spaces a tab is equal to Default value 4. | |
wrap | wrap true if the lines should wrap Default value false. | |
indentedSoftWrap | indentedSoftWrap true if the lines should wrap at the same indentation Default value true. | |
foldStyle | foldStyle "markbegin" | "markbeginend" | "manual" Default value "markbegin". |