AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

AdvantageEditor Properties

The AdvantageEditor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AutoResizeHeight
Gets or sets the render mode.
Public property Content
Gets or sets the content.
Public property CurrentDomain
Gets the current domain.
Public property CurrentLanguage
Gets the current language.
Public property CurrentSql
Gets the current SQL.
Public property CurrentUser
Gets the current user.
Public property DocumentManagerSearchPatterns
Gets or sets the document manager search patterns.
Public property LoadClientStyleSheets
Gets or sets if the editor should load client stylesheets.
Public property RenderMode
Gets or sets the render mode.
Public property ScriptEditorMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether is in script mode. No tabs will be enabled. It will automatically convert and encode html to text script.
Public property Text
Gets or sets the text.
Public property Title
Gets or sets the title.
Public property ToolbarMode
Gets or sets the toolbar mode.
Public property UseFieldSet
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use field set].