AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

Helper Methods

The Helper type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member Clone<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Clones the specified object.
Public method Static member ConfigureImageEditor
Configures the image editor.
Public method Static member DefaultVersionName
Defaults the name of the version.
Public method Static member DocumentDirectories
Returns a list of documetn directories
Public method Static member GetResourceTextFile
Gets the resource text file.
Public method Static member HideDialog
Hides a RadWindow based dialog box.
Public method Static member ImageDirectories
Returns a list of image directories.
Public method Static member InitializeDocumentEditor
Function is called when the postback returns and after the Load event(when control is returned to browser)
Public method Static member InitializeImageEditor
Initializes the image editor.
Public method Static member InitializeRadEditor
Initializes the RAD editor.
Public method Static member IsNullorDBNull
Determines whether [is nullor database null] [the specified object].
Public method Static member RegisterGlobalScript
Registers global javascript dynamically. Can be used to register scripts from within Postback.
Public method Static member Registerpostbackscript
Function is called when the postback returns.
Public method Static member RegisterpostbackscriptEndRequest
Function is called when the postback returns delayed by 400ms.
Public method Static member ShowDialog
Displays a RadWindow based dialog box. Note: A thread discussing how the RadWindow control is implemented in this project can be found here: