AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

DomainLanguageHelper Methods

The DomainLanguageHelper type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ClearDomainMappings
Clears the domain mappings.
Public method Static member GetCurrentHost(HttpContext)
Gets the current host.
Public method Static member GetCurrentHost(HttpContextWrapper)
Public method Static member GetCurrentHost(HttpRequest)
Gets the current host.
Public method Static member GetCurrentHost(HttpRequestBase)
Public method Static member GetCurrentHost(IOwinContext)
Gets the current host.
Public method Static member GetCurrentUrlRoot(HttpContext)
Public method Static member GetCurrentUrlRoot(HttpContextWrapper)
Gets the current URL root.
Public method Static member GetCurrentUrlRoot(IOwinContext)
Gets the current URL root.
Public method Static member GetDomain(SQL, HttpContext)
Gets the domain.
Public method Static member GetDomain(SQL, HttpContextWrapper)
Public method Static member GetDomain(SQL, IOwinContext)
Gets the domain.
Public method Static member GetDomainFromSlug
Gets the domain from slug.
Public method Static member GetHost
Gets the host.
Public method Static member GetLanguage(SQL, Domain, HttpContext)
Gets the language.
Public method Static member GetLanguage(SQL, Domain, HttpContextWrapper)
Gets the language.
Public method Static member GetLanguage(SQL, Domain, String, HttpContext)
Gets the language.
Public method Static member GetLanguage(SQL, Domain, String, HttpContextWrapper)
Gets the language.
Public method Static member GetLanguage(SQL, Domain, String, IOwinContext)
Gets the language.
Public method Static member GetLanguageById
Gets the language by identifier.
Public method Static member ReplaceDomainSlugs
Replaces the domain slugs.
Public method Static member RequestPath(RequestContext)
Requests the path.
Public method Static member RequestPath(HttpContext)
Requests the path.
Public method Static member SetDomainIdLanguageId(HttpContext, Int32, Int32)
Sets the domain identifier language identifier.
Public method Static member SetDomainIdLanguageId(HttpContextWrapper, Int32, Int32)
Sets the domain identifier language identifier.
Public method Static member SetDomainIdLanguageId(RequestContext, Int32, Int32)
Sets the domain identifier language identifier.