AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

AdvantageApiControllerBase Members

The AdvantageApiControllerBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Dispose()()()()
Releases all resources used by the controller.
Public method GetNavigations
Retrieves navigation items filtered by the specified selectors.
Public method SetLanguage
Sets the current language based on the given abbreviation. Clears cached engines when the language changes.
Public method SiteSettings()()()()
Gets the site settings as a dynamic object.
Public method SiteSettings<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()()
Gets the site settings for the specified type.


  Name Description
Public property CurrentContext
Gets the current context.
Public property CurrentDomain
Gets the current domain.
Public property CurrentLanguage
Gets or sets the current language for the API. Setting this clears any cached engines.
Public property CurrentSql
Gets the current SQL connection manager.
Public property Languages
Gets the list of languages available for the current domain.
Public property ModuleEngine
Gets the module engine for the current context, domain and language.
Public property NavigationEngine
Gets the navigation engine for the current context, domain and language.
Public property RouteValues
Gets the route values from the current HTTP request. This property checks if the route data is stored in "MS_SubRoutes" (used in attribute routing) and extracts values accordingly. If "MS_SubRoutes" is not found, it falls back to direct extraction.