AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

AdvantageSearchConfiguration Members

The AdvantageSearchConfiguration type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ContentCategories
Gets or sets the content categories.
Public property Cookies
Gets or sets the cookies.
Public property EnableIndexing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable indexing].
Public property EnableLog
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable log].
Public property ExternalDomains
Gets or sets the external domain links that can be scraped.
Public property Headers
Gets or sets the headers.
Public property IndexingInterval
Gets or sets the number of days that pass before a page will be reindexed
Public property LocationCategories
Gets or sets the location categories.
Public property MaximumCrawlDepth
Gets or sets the maximum crawl depth.
Public property MetaDataDescriptionWeight
Gets or sets the meta data description weight.
Public property MetaDataKeyWordWeight
Gets or sets the meta data key word weight.
Public property SearchIndexDll
Gets or sets the search index DLL.
Public property SearchKey
Gets or sets the search key.
Public property SecurityGroups
Gets or sets the security groups.